Morning Routines

It’s the weekend, more time for ourselves right?  I hope!  On my morning walk, I thought of how important consistency is in our lives.  Each and every morning I take my yellow lab for a walk, drink my Isotonix, and read the daily passage from my Daily Word.  Doesn’t sound like much does it, but I want to discuss how important consistency and the ability to connect with our body, nature and God is each day!

First, by allowing yourself some “you” time, you are able to sort out what’s really important in your life.  What to focus your time and energy on.  There are so many distractions in our lives, from spouses, family, kids, texts, social media, phone calls, and the list goes on and on; it’s imperative to cut out a chunk of time for yourself; if that’s 5 minutes or longer.  I do this while on my morning walk.  Although I live in the city, I’m lucky enough to have a small park that has a walking trail through the woods with a gentle river running through it.

Second is the importance of nature in our lives.  Today the number of people living in urban areas has passed the number living in rural areas.  Plus the evidence is compelling that frequent exposure to the natural world improves mental health, it offers a deep sense of inner peace, and in many ways improves the quality of life.  So get out there!

winter snow river nature Wisconsin

Third, I drink my Isotonix cocktail.  When it comes to nutrition in our bodies, we have become busier than ever, making it harder than ever to find and provide our bodies with the right nutrition.  In addition to that, our food has become exponentially nutrient deficient.  That’s why it’s so important to supplement.  Enjoying good health and lifelong vitality isn’t the result of an overnight transformation, it happens one day at a time with a consistent high quality, bio-available nutritional supplement.

And finally, and most importantly I connect with God by reading the Daily Word.  I’ve found that sometimes people find it hard to talk to God and listen to what he has to say.  A very simple solution I’ve found is reading this Daily Word.  It’s a great start to your conversation with the Lord.  In many ways, the Daily Word has helped me through struggles that I’ve been dealing with on a daily or weekly basis.


I hope that I’ve given you some tips on starting your day off right!

What daily positive habits do you have?

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